Ministry of Labor of Tajikistan: “Crocus Group” guaranteed that Tajik workers would be paid by March 1

Representatives of the Ministry of Labor of Tajikistan in Moscow met with the leadership of the residential complex “Lesoberezhny” of the Krasnogorsk region and migrants from Tajikistan, who held a rally at the end of last week. This was reported to “Asia-Plus” in the ministry.

“The company’s management reported that due to the delay in payment for work by the customer, they were unable to pay wages to workers on time,” the ministry said. The customer is OOO Technical Customer of the Fund for the Protection of the Rights of Citizens Participating in Shared Construction, and the contractor is Crocus Group.

According to the agency, about 2,300 workers were involved in the construction of this facility, of which about 1,000 people are citizens of Tajikistan, and the rest are citizens of Uzbekistan.

“The company’s management assured that the wage arrears would be paid by the beginning of March. Currently, work at the facility is being carried out as usual. The issue of paying wages to Tajik migrants is under the control of the Ministry of Labor and the ministry’s representative office in the Russian Federation,” the ministry said.

The ministry’s message notes that “accommodation, 3 meals a day, monthly payment for a patent, registration and provision of a special form are carried out at the expense of the employer.”

“The workers noted that in 5-6 years of work in this company, for the first time, they faced the problem of a long delay in the payment of wages,” the ministry said.

The Ministry of Labor, Migration and Employment of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan asks labor migrants – citizens of Tajikistan in Russia – in case of violation of their labor rights, immediately contact the representative office of the Ministry of Labor in the Russian Federation directly:

– Central Federal District (Moscow): +7 (495) 967-98-44, +7 (929) 540 88 88, +7 (910) 443 63 35, +7 (967) 271 02 02, +7 (903) 597 12 13

– Ural Federal District (Yekaterinburg): +7 (982) 739-89-98

– Northwestern Federal District (St. Petersburg): +7 (977) 963-25-69

– Volga Federal District (Ufa): +7 (966) 031-22-22

– Southern Federal District (Krasnodar): +7 (996) 120-77-77

source: asiaplustj

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