Morocco No Longer Requires Health Transport Form.

The country has been gradually lifting COVID-19 restrictions as the epidemiological situation is steadily improving.


Rabat – Travelers no longer need a health passenger form to access Morocco’s territory, the country’s airport authority has announced.

“Presenting the passenger’s health form is no longer required when entering Moroccan territory,” the National Office of Airports (ONDA) said on Monday evening.

The passenger form was part of the documents that the Moroccan authorities required from travelers as part of the gradual opening of borders.

Morocco suspended all international travel in March 2020 as part of the preventive measures following the outbreak of the COVID pandemic.

The country then announced a state of emergency that was until this month extended monthly, allowing authorities to ease or put more restrictions depending on the epidemiological situation.

The country eased travel restrictions over the past year as the epidemiological situation has been improving steadily.

In September 2022, the airports authority announced that both PCR and vaccine passes were no longer mandatory to access Morocco.

“Following the decision of the Moroccan authorities, [COVID-19] health restrictions (PCR or vaccine pass)  to enter Morocco’s territory are lifted from today. Only the passenger’s health form must be duly completed,” ONDA said in 2022.

As part of the restrictions ease, Moroccan authorities also ended the night curfew and the mandatory wearing of face masks.

Converging reports have also stressed that Morocco lifted the state of emergency after the government did not include the extension of a draft decree under which the cabinet would extend the measure before its expiration date.

While many suggested that this means an end to the state of emergency, government spokesperson Mustapha Baitas told reporters that “a council could be held anytime to extend it.” He stressed: “Nothing prevents that.”
The vague statement has roundly been questioned on social media and in reports, with many condemning the lack of clear communication on such an important matter.

Source: MWN

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