The Algerian media are less free and less diverse than in some other North African countries. The authorities have blocked websites and detained journalists since the start of the Hirak protest movement in early 2019.

Parliament has passed a law criminalising fake news.

Privately-owned channels receive the lion’s share of viewers. State TV and radio steer clear of critical voices and dissenting views.

Popular privately-owned satellite TV channels operate alongside the state broadcaster. Officials aim to regularise the status of “offshore” private TV stations, which use foreign-owned satellites and do not fall under Algerian law.

With the exception of online stations, the state has a monopoly in the radio sector.

Foreign media are also subject to government interference. In 2021, the government withdrew France 24’s authorization to operate and revoked the accreditation of Saudi media outlet Al Arabiya.

There were 37 million internet users by December 2021, comprising 83% of the population ( Facebook is the leading social network with 26 million subscribers by April 2022.


  • Echorouk – Arabic-language newspaper
  • El Khabar – Arabic-language newspaper
  • El Massa – Arabic-language newspaper
  • El Watan – French-language newspaper
  • El Moudjahid – French language newspaper
  • The North Africa Journal – English language news site covering North Africa and the Sahel
  • Twala – French language independent news website set up by Algerian journalists
  • 24H Algerie – A French and English language independent news website


  • Algerie 3 – TV news channel run by the state owned broadcaster EPTV
  • Ennahar TV – Arabic language satellite television channel
  • Echourouk TV – Arabic language satellite television channel
  • El Bilad TV – Arabic language satellite television channel


  • Radio Algérienne – public radio broadcaster, it manages three national broadcast stations
  • Radio Corona Internationale – US-based internet radio news channel offers a mix of music, news and commentary in Arabic and French

Source : BBC

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