Saudi Islamic Affairs Minister Holds Talks With Grand Mufti of Mauritania

Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Islamic Affairs, Sheikh Abdullatif Al-Asheikh, received the Grand Mufti of Mauritania, Ahmed Murabit, on Monday.

The meeting took place at the sidelines of the two-day international conference ‘Communication with the Departments of Religious Affairs, Ifta and Sheikhdoms in the World’, which commenced on Sunday and was held in the holy city of Makkah. The event was attended by around 150 Islamic scholars, muftis, religious leaders and thinkers from 85 countries.

The pair are said to have discussed issues of common interest and ways to enhance cooperation and communication “in a way that helps convey the true message of Islam,” reported Arab News. Al-Sheikh also held a separate meeting with the imam of the Islamic Centre in Argentina, Hani Bakir, and the President of India’s Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth, Sheikh Asghar Ali Imam Mahadi Salafi.

According to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA), The conference revolved around seven main themes: discussing global religious efforts and unity; communication alignment between reality and aspirations; promoting tolerance and coexistence; adhering to the Holy Quran and Sunnah; emphasising moderation; countering extremism and safeguarding society from atheism and decadence.

Regarding the conference the grand mufti said: “The Saudi leaders have always been keen to serve Islam and Muslims in various fields of Islamic work all around the world.” He also emphasised the “importance of finding solutions and understanding the significance and relevance of Islamic law, rules, and purposes in relation to reality.”

Source : Middle East Monitor

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